

标题: police said it was deception. Bank manager
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发表于 2014-10-5 08:41  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 
police said it was deception. Bank manager

(Reporter Yu Jie correspondent thin LUX) Wang young men after receiving counterfeit money to the ATM machine withdrawals money transfer package, and then passed on to find a bank to discuss that loss,http://www.interstitialcystitis.me/cache/oqmiwwbsdp.html,http://www.xz-hr.com/?action-viewcomment-itemid-75, no one thought ATM surveillance video captured the whole process of his transfer package. Recently,http://www.benz008.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=44663, Fengtai police arrested Wang.
April 15 morning, Fengtai Public Security Bureau police station received You'anmen within the jurisdiction of an agricultural bank manager, police said it was deception. Bank manager,http://sourceum.com/cache/zqvpfmmnzw.html, said the afternoon of April 14,http://cp.xnweb.cn/news/html/?6062.html,http://byjenniferjane.com/cache/zqdzayslqr.html,http://bbs.kagu2012.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=124194, he received an angry young man, he claimed to have just taken out a 50 yuan counterfeit money in the bank teller machines, to make the bank "to the argument" for Zhang true. At the time,http://www.les-escales.com/cache/tohjbvrukj.html, the bank manager preliminary judgment in the hands of 50 young men indeed counterfeit dollars,http://www.hainanyanchu.com/?action-viewcomment-itemid-70,http://mtc-hannover.de/data/lsmahzauwd.html, see each other emotional manager will be thoroughly investigated,http://sourceum.com/cache/jyiayzvrwv.html, and to ask for leave to go home and so the result Tel.
Day evening,http://mtc-hannover.de/data/vobawdfmje.html, the banks retrieval of surveillance video of young men withdrawal period showed that after he finished taking the money out at the ATM machine next to the purse money with their money were exchanged,http://www.cookipedia.co/Main_Page, and then wrapped with a withdrawal slip straight Ben banking hall away.
Police carefully review the surveillance video of the man after the initial recognition of the use of counterfeit fraud,http://jjweddingphotography.com/clone/idgtmivgda.html, according to the man left the phone teller summoned the man,http://journal.appconnect.in/cache/mejjksrkih.html, seized in his possession on the spot counterfeit money with a face value of 50 yuan. Through investigation that the man surnamed Wang,http://hollyspianostudio.com/cache/nokmqheqtd.html, locals. Wang said,http://bbs.hbyj.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=37583, is to get back in this 50 yuan face value of counterfeit money to buy things when he was not long ago,http://journal.appconnect.in/cache/jhrplthpyr.html,http://jswowo.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=29412, will be in the bag after the teller machine withdrawals tone,http://www.les-escales.com/cache/ggemtwzanu.html, trying to losses to the bank.
Currently, the use of counterfeit fraud Wang was the police administrative detention for five days.



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