

标题: Granny Ma fall on the plane were injured
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Granny Ma fall on the plane were injured

(Reporter Wang Lina) Granny Ma fall on the plane were injured, she dreams of reaching Bangkok, Thailand tour before bathing. Granny Ma believes that the aircraft started TCAS cause of her injuries,http://danatelford.com/node/14, the airline should bear responsibility. She will be Thailand's National Aviation Public Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Thai Airways) reported to the East Court, claims 53 million yuan. Yesterday, the case for the first time pre-trial conversation.
March of this year, 60-year-old Granny Ma and his family decided to go to Thailand. March 29, Granny Ma embarked on Thai Airways flight. Granny Ma said,http://www.sm933.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=43439, took off four hours later, she went to the bathroom with a granddaughter, a sudden fall in the aisle leading to the right foot fracture. Granny Ma said, after an investigation,http://www.elmorron.com/index.php?option=com_blog&view=blog, injuries are due to start TCAS aircraft,http://www.jiajiaoluntan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1068197&fromuid=101230, aircraft caused by rapid pulled. After the incident,nike tn pas cher, she had to be hospitalized in Thailand, the family of Thai tour completely wasted. Currently, she is still functional exercise, the need for a second surgery a few months later.
Thai Airways in assumed medical expenses, ticket fees of $ 60,000 after refusing to bear other costs. Granny Ma believes that her injuries is entirely the responsibility of the airline. She sued Thai Airways, claiming their second surgery fees, moral damages solatium.
The plaintiff's attorney,http://forum.eslasia.net/read.php?tid=4104438&displayMode=1, said Zhang Qi Huai, "Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air" (Montreal Convention) entered into force in 2005 in China, the case is applicable to this convention. Provisions of the Convention,http://www.zmhshop.com/news/html/?17719.html, as long as the cause of death or injury of passengers on board an aircraft accident or in the upper and lower aircraft, the carrier should bear responsibility. For each passenger is not more than about $ 135,000 damages, the carrier shall not be exempted from liability.
Yesterday, the airline no one in court. In the afternoon,http://www.edit.ne.jp/~aino/custombbs.cgi/</fOUNwlAPdKdItsYomem/, the reporter contacted the Thai Airways office in Beijing,http://www.strengthensocialsecurity.org/node/2935099, a staff member said she knew the case has been filed in court, the matter was still under investigation, Thai Airways is a lawyer respondent.



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